The Peterson Family

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So thankful...

Today was perhaps three days in one. I am off work all week so that means all day with the boys. Usually I work anywhere from 2-7 hours a day, totaling around 20 hours a week. This is perfect for me in that I do not think I could handle staying home all day ( too stir crazy) or working all day ( miss my babies too much.) So when I do stay home all day with the boys it is a treat! Ok some times I think it is a treat and sometimes I think.... this isn't really a vacation, in fact this is more work than my job, how many days till I go back to work :)
If you really don't care about the ins and outs of my mommydays please feel free to skip the remainder of this post. Woke up at 6:30 with Will, was bummed because it was raining and thought about what Braylon and I would do all day indoors. Bray woke up at 7:30, we ate breakfast and played with about 12 balls in the porch while Will chilled in the Bjorn. Our new summer babysitter came over to meet the boys and Bray cried when she arrived, because he is going through some seperation issues with mommy. I left for about an hour to attend a meeting while Will took his nap and Bray watched Sesame Street with the sitter. I came home to find him happy and immediately clingy. We ate peanut butter and jelly and took a bath, I could not think of any other activity to fill the time before his nap. During his bath he drew all over the tub with his new crayons. Will laid on the bathroom floor watching his brothers' artistic skills. Then I put both boys down for naps, a feat I have worked hard to accomplish! Having them take their afternoon nap at the same time gives me some down time. During their nap I stared for about 15 minutes trying to decide what to do, nap, dishes, clean up the tornado of toys, read, check email... I think I ended up doing a little of them all, I have commitment issues. They both woke up around 3pm and we had a pillow fight in the living room.. Will basically watched this event and laughed. Then I decided we had to get out of the house, so we braved the rain and went to the indoor market a couple of blocks away. The stroller was too wet to use so I thought I would put Will in the carrier and let Bray hold my hand... it will be good practice for him. He immediately sat down when we began walking and refused to get up, so I carried Bray on my hip and Will in the carrier. I think their combined weight could have easily made me collapse, but I stayed strong and thought about how many women before me have carried their babies for miles to get water from a well. Once we reached our destination- an indoor playground- Bray played for 5 minutes and basically wanted to leave. So I threw him on my hip once more walking aimlessly around the market wondering what to do now. I didn't want to go home, for I had just gotten there. I decided Bray and I would eat dinner there. So we went to the burger place and Bray ate chicken fingers while I had a burger. When we got home I changed two boys who had some funky diapers and put Will to sleep for the FIRST time. I could not believe I still had a whole hour left till Bray's 7:30 bedtime, so I gave him another bath. During the bath Will woke up so I moved him to the swing in an attempt to put him asleep a SECOND time. I grabbed Bray took him out of the bath, said a quick prayer and put him to bed, then went and grabbed Will who refused to sleep in the swing and took him to our room fed him to try and put him down a THIRD time. He fell asleep. Big exhale, both boys are asleep, so I start to clean the floor. But Will wakes up again, I sprint upstairs ( thinking please don't wake up Bray) and replace his Nuk and rock him to sleep a FOURTH time. Falls asleep! My 36 hour day is done. And the crazy think is I want to go watch them sleep... I already miss them. Motherhood is wonderful.


Blogger Julie said...

Thank you for being such a great mommy to my beautiful grandsons. You're right... "motherhood is wonderful". It's worth every second.

Love, Mom

June 11, 2010 at 8:30 PM  

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