The Peterson Family

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Treading water

A co-worker of mine told me that having three kids was like drowning and then somone hands you a baby. I thought that is a little extreme. However, lo and behold he was right! That is exactly how I feel most days lately. I have often hailed my two year teaching stint in NYC as the hardest and most demanding years of my life, however this three kid business is threatening to take the title. Yet I do have a tendency to be dramatic so we will wait before giving the title over. Also, everything just seems so much harder when you are sleep deprived.
Although I am treading water I do know where to go for friends and wonderful husband have been invaluable during this season as well as my AMAZING parents. Our Rondo has taken several trips to Lakeville in the past couple of months. If Mike isn't going to be home till late I quickly pack up the children and head to their house where energy is fresh. Downton Abby has proven VERY helpful, as a much needed reward at the end of a full day of mothering.
Of course the greatest help is Jesus, the rock who is higher than I. Over the course of Silas' short two months of life we have already been to the ER three times and have had three rounds of anti-biotics. He was hospitalized for 48 hours because of a staph infection. These health scares have been very difficult for me since I struggle often with anxiety regarding my childrens health. Yet through these months Jesus has been faithful in reminding me again and again to trust Him. To trust in His promises, to trust in the power of prayer, to trust in His care for my little guys. God has been faithful and Silas is healthy and doing very well.
Here are some fun pictures from Easter! Despite Braylons grumpy face he really did enjoy Easter.


Blogger ATroutwine said...

So sorry to hear about those health scares, glad everyone is well now. I'm officially scared now and we have 2 weeks until Trout #2 will arrive. Yikes!! Sounds like you have a great support system. Hugs to you and your sweet family.

May 1, 2013 at 12:30 PM  

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