The Peterson Family
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
To all our loyal readers
Thank you for continuing to read our blog! Your perserverence is admirable. The peterson clan is doing well. Lets see what news do we have to share!?! William just had his 2 month check up and is around 12 1/2 pounds and is 24 inches tall. He is a big boy as you can see from some of the pictures. He started smiling at us this week which is so cute and fun. He is really staring to develop a sweet personality... I think he is a little lover.
Bray is a maniac and is as adorable as ever. One of my favorite things that he does right now is says "Yo" to people who wear sunglasses. we had this pair of old sunglasses lying around the house and whenever Mike would put them on he would say "yo" so I think Bray thinks sunglasses are yoes. Regardless, it is the perfect thing to say to someone on the street who is wearing sunglasses. Some of his other recent favorite pasttimes are giving kisses ( esp to Will), wearing our shoes, going for walks, eating waffs and bs ( waffles and blueberries), throwing things at our cat Chloe, and playing in the dirt.
Mike and I are well. a good friend of mine passed away this week from cancer. She was actually one of my student's mom. she was a phenomenal woman and had tremendous faith in the Lord. Her funeral was so touching. There was dancing, singing and shouts to the Lord. It really was a celebration of the fact that she is in heaven with her lover, provider, comforter and best friend. The stories people shared about her faith were incredible. For example when one of her daughters was five the doctors told her that she had diabetes. Well Rose said before we do anything let me take my daughter to church this Sunday and have everyone pray for her. Don't you know, Rose brought her back to the doctor the next week to find out the diabetes was gone. She believed God's word with her whole heart and experienced many miracles in her life. Hers was a life well spent!
We are looking forward to the summer. Mike has lots of trips planned with the youth he works with and I will be working for four weeks at summer school doing credit recovery with some high school students. We both continue to love work and are so blessed to have jobs that challenge and stretch us to rely on God's grace, strength and provision. Some of the kids who we have been working with are really struggling through some tough stuff and without the message of the gospel I am not sure what REAL hope we could offer them.
I hope you enjoy the latest pictures; there were lots this time so I did two posts...we love and miss you all!